This is me.
I guess it hasn't been all fairy tale from the beginning. I guess I haven't been that easy at all. And I guess that you don't even know how I really feel. But does she know you better than I do? Does she make you feel happier than I do? Does she really love you better than I can?
And I get it, you're insecure. You're doubtful. And you're afraid. But don't you read between my lines? Don't you see seriousness in my eyes? And don't you hear sincerity in my voice?
At some point you've to make a choice. So here it is, your choice and it's simple, her or me.
I bet she's really great and all that. And all I can say is that I'll love you in a really, really devoted way. I'll show you honesty and loyalty. And I'll be at your side even when you make me hate you, love you.
So I'm asking you to pick me. Choose me. Love me.
Someone once said: "the eyes are the mirror of the soul".
So if you ever wonder how I feel or what's really on my mind, then you should look into my eyes. And if you look really close, you'll be able to catch a glimpse of a smile. Because deep inside I'm smiling and that's all thanks to you.
Yes, you make my soul very happy so let's just smile together!
Change. Don't try to change what's real. Don't try to change who you are. Don't try to change anything at all, unless you have to.
Change. Sometimes, we don't like it. Sometimes, we fear it. But sometimes we can't stop it from coming, so we either adopt to change or we get left behind.
Sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes, change is good. Sometimes, change is everything!
Our old wounds teach us something. They remind us where we've been and what we've overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. Some wounds we carry everywhere, though the cuts long gone, the pain still lingers.
But nothing lasts forever. People come and go through our lives. We will buy and throw stuff. And the only thing that will stay with us are our memories. We can find them by looking at a photo, touching an old scar or listen to a special song.
At the very end, all we got is memories, and no one can ever take them away from us.
10 things I love about you
I love the way your eyes are smiling, a way that no one else can see.
I love that you make me feel special and how you've noticed me.
I love the fact that we have a lot in common, a lot of things that we share.
I love your new look and the way you cut your hair.
I love it when I dream of you, it makes me rise above.
I love the way you're touching me, like I'm soft as a dove.
I love the way you took my heart and put it in your jail.
I love every time your texting me or even sending a mail.
I love the time I spend with you and every day when you're around.
But most of all I love the way you make me feel, a way that really shakes my ground ♥
- Shakespeare
g l a d !
Jag är så glad!
Så glad för alla våra år tillsammans. Så glad att du finns där, för alltid finns du där. Så glad att vi har varandra. Så glad för allt vi har gått igenom, både glädje och tårar. Så glad för att vi kan dela allt. Så glad över att vi ställer upp för varandra. Så glad över alla fina år vi har framför oss tillsammans, för aldrig kommer vi lämna varandra. Så glad för allt vi har givit och tagit. Så glad för allt du har erbjudit mig genom livet. Så glad för att du har gjort mig till en bättre människa.
Jag är så glad för din skull! ♥
"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. At least that's what they say. He created the birds of the air and the beasts of the field and he looked at his creation and he saw that it was good. And then God created the man and it's been downhill ever since.
The story goes on to say that God created man in his own image, but there's not much proof of that. After all, God made the sun, the moon and the stars. And all man makes is trouble. When man finds himself in trouble, which is most of the time, he turns to something bigger than himself, to love or fate or religion to make sense of it all".
Men jag funderar nu om jag ska lägga locket på och skita i det!? Tanken slog mig nämligen efter att jag läst dagens horoskop i Metro:
Du får inte det gensvar du hade förväntat dig – varför slösa tid och kraft på personer som inget ger i retur?
Är det någonsin klokt att följa horoskop? Är horoskop någonsin att lita på?
Hur länge ska man försöka?
Ska jag försöka igen, och igen och igen, tills det går som jag vill? Eller ska jag bara lägga armarna i kors, luta mig tillbaka och acceptera att det inte kommer gå som jag vill? När vet man att enough is enough?
Jag märker ju att jag får lirka, och det går framåt sakta men säkert, men ändå framåt. Men är det värt att lirka och lirka och följa den otroligt långsamma processen? Hmm, ibland önskar jag att jag kunde FFW!