Time will solve it all...
At some point in life we'll come to realize how much we've grown and then we'll be thankful for all the things, some better and some wores, that made us to a stronger and a better person.
Time will make us realize. Time will make us grow. And time will make us thankful.
At some point in life we'll feel as healed as we've never felt before and we won't have any doubts or regrets. Because at this point we'll be able to see things from a complete perspective.
Time will make us heal. Time will set things free. And time will make us complete.
At some point in life we'll have the abilty to forgive those who we used to curse. We'll also have the ability to actually appreciate all the things we took for granted. But in the end it's all about the ability to accept everything, wheather we liked it or not, and everyone, wheather we liked them or not.
Time will make us forgive. Time will make us appreciate. And time will finally make us accept everything and everyone that was given to us in this life.